Applications - Elisium en



New technologies are increasingly improving people’s lives, but the labour sector is the one giving the best results. Many jobs that are carried out traditionally, become less burdensome and easier to perform thanks to the hardware and software devices that have been developed in recent years.

Keeping up-to-date data about the viability, traffic and on your vehicle’s conditions are a prerequisite for drivers of public and private transport companies to use their vehicles in absolute safety, but above all to remain interconnected with each other and with the parent company.


Elisium has designed products for various purposes:
primarily to support the daily activities of
some specific categories of workers.

FleetsInsuranceCar ServiceFinal Custome

Vehicle fleet managers, whether they are for cars or heavy vehicles, know it is crucial to have a tool that enables their organising and monitoring the overall movements of the entire fleet. There are really numerous specifications to keep in mind, both to protect the safety of travellers, and to have a better business management. A human being has difficulty keeping everything in mind; conversely, an electronic calculator can streamline and simplify the work and this is precisely what MAT does.

The importance that the adoption of this tool could have for insurance groups should not be overlooked either. They would have greater facility in monitoring their insured’s activities and of the vehicles they cover.

If accidents occur, the acquisition of all the details related to dynamics would be far more immediate, including data that is still not captured by current black boxes; if the automobile suffers a fault it could be immediately identified to allow a faster resolution of the problem.

The costs of managing the various policies would drop significantly, since many of the activities that until now could not be carried out effectively, such as customer profiling, can be carried out by MAT seamlessly.

MAT can also be advantageous for automobile manufacturers, which thanks to their large amount of data could immediately identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing models, helping them create new prototypes. While the artificial intelligence system could be integrated into new vehicles.

Lastly, it is important to consider the importance that a device like MAT will have for the end user, namely the motorist.

With this innovative device, the management of your vehicle will be easier and you will be able to monitor all its functions at any time.

Any eventual failure can be identified in a timely manner, consumption and performance can be optimised to the maximum. MAT can revolutionise every average user’s way of driving, without hindering or being annoying. In fact, it is compatible with every type of car, from the most sophisticated to the slightly older models.